1Nov 22, 2016
The recent election in the USA, the Brexit vote in the UK, and the rise of nationalistic and racially divisive politics around the world have invoked the worst in many people and places, and the magical world is no different. Generally, magical orders such as the Golden Dawn and the OTO refrain from political commentary […]
2Nov 20, 2016
In light of the news from Greece this week about the attack on a refugee camp (as well as recent issues in the U.S.), we re-post this statement condemning *that other* Greek Golden Dawn and their racist acts and words. Our Golden Dawn magickal current is not connected with that group in any way, and […]
3Sep 30, 2016
The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn celebrated its Autumnal Equinox September 16 – 18. And each day was packed with esoteric excitement. Friday, 9/16/16, Frater QES held a wonderful repast at Arcadia. It was an informal affair, with a good group of us engaged in esoterically tinged and generally fantabulistic conversations. Saturday, 9/17/16, […]
4Sep 1, 2016
The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn held its monthly gathering on August 20, 2016. The day’s events included a Practicus Advancement, Education Session, and a Hall of the Neophytes. First up was the Practicus ceremony at 11am, or so. The new Practicus was none other than Frater QES, who had yet to undergo […]
5Aug 11, 2016
The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn We are a community of magickal practitioners, mostly of Pagan background, who have gathered to work the Golden Dawn System.
6Jul 25, 2016
On July 16, 2016, the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn held its monthly gathering, consisting of an Education Session and Neophyte Hall. The Education Session kicked off at 3pm, and was conducted by Frater QES, on “The Works of Fire”. Our dear Frater went over basic and more advanced practices for the body-energy […]
7Jul 3, 2016
The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn has two new Portal members as of today, Frater IP + Frater NNV (yours truly). Congrats Fraters! And special thanks to the Adepts who conducted the ceremony, including Frater QES who generously hosted it at Arkadia.
8Jun 26, 2016
On June 18, 2016, the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn held its monthly soiree, featuring an Educational Session followed by the Hall of the Neophytes. The 3pm Educational Session was conducted by our ever-resourceful Fr. HOSV, this time speaking on the Tattwas as used by the Golden Dawn for meditation. From all reports […]
9May 29, 2016
The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn once again convened – on May 21, 2016 – for its monthly Education Session and Neophyte Hall. “Meditation” was the topic of the 3pm Education Session. Specifically, the OSOGD Grade Meditations. The presentation was delivered by Frater QES, and was fun, informative, and well-attended, by all […]
10Apr 25, 2016
On April 16, 2016, the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn held its monthly conclave, aka the Opening of the Hall of the Neophytes. The event was well-attended – including 2 honored guests who have applied for membership and who we all enjoyed meeting – and the energy and ceremony flowed especially well for a […]