61Jun 10, 2013
WARNINGS By G.H. Fra. N.O.M. (Dr. W.W. Westcott)
Anyone who being a 4=7 and passes five Examinations, becomes a nominal 5=6, and is competent to preside at First Order Assemblies, wears a White Sash across a Black Sash, and has reached the top of the G.D.
62Jun 10, 2013
The Flying Rolls of the original Order were a series of instructional documents which were issued periodically by the Chiefs of the Second Order (R.R..et A.C.) for those students who had obtained the Grade of Portal or higher. The name alludes to the means by which these documents were distributed — a single copy (“roll”) […]
63Jun 10, 2013
It links art, music and even architecture. Marcus Chown on an enigmatic number (from The Guardian, January 16, 2003) Think of any two numbers. Make a third by adding the first and second, a fourth by adding the second and third, and so on. When you have written down about 20 numbers, calculate the ratio […]
64Jun 10, 2013
written by Shawn C. Knight (contact info) Version 3.0, 10-May-1995 23:40:57 GMT Part I: The Gods Introductory Note: Herein I have placed short summaries explaining the functions of many of the more important gods worshiped in Ancient Egypt. If anyone can suggest any additions, modifications, clarifications, etc. please feel free to contact me by Email […]
65Jun 10, 2013
The Accepted Portal Theses of the College of the Rose Cross of the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn This section will be expanded on an ongoing basis, as more documents are produced. These files require Adobe Acrobat Reader. A metaphor is something like a bucket by Frater IO (48KB) The Admission Badges of […]
66Jun 10, 2013
posted to the “Golden Dawn Blog” on July 11, 2005, by “V.H. Frater TSO.” OSOGD had come under fire for its redactions of the classic Golden Dawn rituals. Our response: A Statement by the Adepts of the Het Nuit Temple, Open Source Order Order of the Golden Dawn (OSOGD) The original essay by Brother T.S.O. […]
67Jun 10, 2013
posted to the “Golden Dawn Blog” on January 12, 2005, by “Frater C.” OSOGD had come under fire for its redactions of the classic Golden Dawn rituals. Our response: A Statement by the Adepts of the Het Nuit Temple, Open Source Order Order of the Golden Dawn (OSOGD) The original essay by Brother C. of […]