1Mar 6, 2017
Are you interested in Sam Webster’s talk at PantheaCon, Ascending to the Gods? You can download a PDF of the slides here. Thanks for your interest, please be in touch. And Big Thanks to everyone who attended!
2Feb 12, 2017
Interested in learning the Golden Dawn system of magic? Do you want to practice theurgy with the Open Source Order but live too far away? Starting April 13, 2017, the OSOGD will be opening the doors of the Golden Dawn Academy, our new distance learning faculty using video conferencing to deliver lectures and practice coaching […]
3Aug 11, 2016
The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn We are a community of magickal practitioners, mostly of Pagan background, who have gathered to work the Golden Dawn System.
4Jan 14, 2015
For the past several years I have been working on a doctorate in history about the Golden Dawn and theurgy. This early, lighthearted essay shows some of the connections I found and have been writing about. For your enjoyment… Our criteria in place, we may now essay a developmental history of the systems of operative […]
5Sep 3, 2014
as translated by John Everard, 1650 My Thoughts being once seriously busied about the things that are, and my Understanding lifted up, all my bodily Senses being exceedingly holden back, as it is with them that are very heavy of sleep, by reason either of fulness of meat, or of bodily labour. Me thought I […]
6Jul 9, 2014
(from my doctoral thesis on the history of theurgy) When we successfully invoke, the Being who we call comes. Sometimes it is very internal, sometimes we go the distance and work for an very dual and/or external manifestation. The result, whether mental, ‘astral’, or (near-)physical, is traditionally called an epiphany, a ‘showing up’. We are […]
7May 7, 2014
Given that the main tap-root of the Golden Dawn is in Neoplatonic theurgy, we can start there to ask questions about the place and nature of the individual soul, and especially that of the mage, in the architecture of the Cosmos. A recent contemplation lead me to an interesting proposition… In Neoplatonic cosmology, which in […]
8Apr 6, 2014
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam bibendum, libero eu rutrum feugiat, urna orci porta magna, id scelerisque neque nunc sit amet felis. Donec pellentesque tempus mauris, et feugiat magna pellentesque quis. Mauris in ultricies arcu. Vestibulum dolor ipsum, pretium et mollis sed, sollicitudin ac mi. Aliquam euismod erat in nunc suscipit auctor. […]
9Apr 2, 2014
Where does the Golden Dawn come from? We know about the Cypher Manuscripts, and we know the Founders developed them, in several stages, into the rituals we know today. We also know there has to be more of a backstory. Analysis of the the Order’s material, namely the rites, practices, and teachings, when compared with […]
10Mar 31, 2014
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam bibendum, libero eu rutrum feugiat, urna orci porta magna, id scelerisque neque nunc sit amet felis. Donec pellentesque tempus mauris, et feugiat magna pellentesque quis. Mauris in ultricies arcu. Vestibulum dolor ipsum, pretium et mollis sed, sollicitudin ac mi. Aliquam euismod erat in nunc suscipit auctor. […]