Please note: As of 8/8/08, these Operational Principles have been superseded by the Constitution of the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn.
Our Order
The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn is an independent flowering of the Golden Dawn current. It uses rituals based on the classical rituals of the Order but modified by the light of our ingenium.
The Golden Dawn
We see the distinguishing characteristics of the Golden Dawn tradition as the union of:
- Groups or systems that root their structure and symbolism in the Hermetic, Hebraic and Alchemical Qabbalah,
- Take their ritual inspiration from Freemasonry, and
- Are based on the “Cypher Manuscripts of the Golden Dawn.”
The operations of the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn are based upon its Constitution, and at its ratification on August 8th, 2008, superseded the Operational Principals, which had been in effect since 2002.
The ultimate authority of the Order is the College of the Rose Cross, the body of adepti. From the College are selected the First Adept, who is the executive head of the Order, and the three Chiefs, who are severally responsible for the administration of the Order. Together with committee chairs, these officers form the Areopagus of the Order, its executive council.
The College and Officers are also responsible for developing rules and regulations to ensure the efficient and transparent function of the Order.
The Mission of the Order of the Golden Dawn is to make adepts. The Mission of the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn is to normalize adeptship (i.e., make MORE adepts!)
Mother Lodge
The Mother Lodge is the seat of the First Adept and the Officers of the Order: Praemonstator General (PG), Imperator General (IG) and Cancellarius General (CG). In general terms, the PG is responsible for the Education and Rituals of the Order, the IG for the External Relations and Internal Discipline of the Order as well as Monitoring Key Indicators, and the CG for the Correspondence, Publications, Membership and Records of the Order. The First Adept is responsible for the Mission, Vision, and Identity of the Order.
Organization Relationships
All bodies of the Order are autonomous and their relations are as peers. Out of friendship and co fraternity we recognize each other and work together to further the Mission of the Order of which we each are a part.
All bodies affiliated with the Order have the right to perform the rituals and administer the body as they will, in keeping with the Open Source Principles, the Constitution, and such rules and regulations as are implemented by the College and its Officers. Should these principals be abandoned, the Mother Lodge reserves the right to disaffiliate the violating body. Equally the sister body may disaffiliate at any time by notifying the Mother Lodge.
Bodies may apply to the Mother Lodge for any of the following statuses via the Cancellarius General. The College will render the decision, and if positive, a Charter will be accordingly issued. Bodies are independently responsible for complying with the legal requirements of their locale.
Sister Lodges
Any groups adhering to the above listed Golden Dawn distinguishing characteristics may apply to be a Sister Lodge. The Affiliation process is explained here.
- Benefits:
- Magical Connection–we have a specific technique to form this
- Mutual Recognition–we generally accept earned grades.
- Participation in Community–The order wide forum on our semiprivate listserve, Conferences or other events.
- Participation in Organization–A seat on the Executive Council
- Responsibilities:
- Maintain Magickal Connection
- Keep the order membership roll up to date & file semi-annual reports with the Mother Lodge at the Equinoxes on the activities of the Lodge (advancements, officerships, classes, special events, etc.)
- Support the Infrastructure, with whatever resources are appropriate.
Daughter Lodges
Those without confidence in their ability to wield a current of initiation may apply for ‘Daughter Temple’ status. These bodies have the same benefits and responsibilities as do Sister Lodges but are mentored by the Mother Lodge to support advancement in grade and skill to achieve Sister Lodge status.
Our policy for forming OSOGD Temples:
- Go for it! The rituals are there for you to use.
- It is more important to meet and work than build infrastructure.
- Have fun making tools.
- Play with the Rituals.
- If you want, tell us what you are doing.
Postulants are to be vetted by the Lodge’s membership committee by their own requirements, which are at a minimum:
- possessing the legal age of consent
- knowledge of the nature, history and goals of the Order
- consent to abide by the authority of the Order
- the will to persevere through the educational process of the Order and its rituals and practices.
- If accepted you will be required to sign a copy of our “Pre-Initiation” document which includes your personal information, your Motto, and your acceptance of the following Principles:
- Our Order
The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn is an independent flowering of the Golden Dawn current. It uses rituals based on the classical rituals of the Order but modified by the light of our ingenium. - Authority
The operations of the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn are based upon its Constitution, and at its ratification on August 8th, 2008, superseded the Operational Principals, which had been in effect since 2002. The ultimate authority of the Order is the College of the Rose Cross, the body of adepti. From the College are selected the First Adept, who is the executive head of the Order, and the three Chiefs, who are severally responsible for the administration of the Order. Together with committee chairs, these officers form the Areopagus of the Order, its executive council. The College and Officers are also responsible for developing rules and regulations to ensure the efficient and transparent function of the Order. - Confidentiality
While the rituals and technologies of the Order are freely distributed, the membership, proceedings, passwords and pre-release information — rituals, technologies, teaching or communications, etc. — are to be kept strictly confidential. - Dues
Active members of the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn may be asked to pay dues (currently $60 per year for Mother Lodge members) to the Order and to their Lodge, to help support the infrastructure of the organization. - Commitment
To succeed in the Way of this Order, you must make a commitment to hold its rites and practices sacred, that is, embodying the highest values and serving the most noble ends. There are Mysteries in our Order, most admirable and recondite, worthy of your respect even as you penetrate into their depths and analyse their teachings and methods. Signing this document indicates your Will to keep these Mysteries of our Order inviolate and to keep sacred everything that relates to this Order.
- Our Order
The Cancellarius General is to be notified of all Initiations and Advancements, along with contact information for all members.
Bodies may apply to the Mother Lodge for any of the following statuses via the Cancellarius
While the rituals and technologies of the Order are freely distributed, the membership, proceedings, passwords and pre-release information–rituals, technologies, teaching or communications, etc.–are to be kept strictly confidential.