Not Our Golden Dawn
In light of the news from Greece this week about the attack on a refugee camp (as well as recent issues in the U.S.), we re-post this statement condemning *that other* Greek Golden Dawn and their racist acts and words. Our Golden Dawn magickal current is not connected with that group in any way, and our Order actively opposes their views and actions.
From September, 2013:
“The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn stands against racism and intolerance. Our Golden Dawn tradition stems from a magickal Order begun in Victorian-era England, and we are not in any way aligned with the racist, and arguably fascist, Golden Dawn political organization of Greece (The People’s Association – Golden Dawn, Greek: Λαϊκός Σύνδεσμος – Χρυσή Αυγή), which has been in the news recently. We are a constitutional democratic institution and reject authoritarianism in its fascistic or other forms. We accept applications for membership from all sincere applicants who are local to an OSOGD Lodge, regardless of race, sex, ethnicity, physical abilities, ancestry, gender identity, religion, or sexual orientation.”