OSOGD Activities of August 2015
On Saturday, August 15, the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn met for its monthly convocation and education session. Plus, an advancement.
The day started around 12 noon with the Philosophus advancement of your truly, Fr. NNV. Of the elemental advancements, this is definitely the longest (almost 2.5 hrs), and perhaps most dramatic. I am grateful to my fellow Officers, Sorors and Fraters, for making this happen. Having the group energy, and within the Golden Dawn lineage, is what makes being a member of the OSOGD so special.
After a brief respite for lunch (several of us went to Wing Stop), Fr. HOSV once more conducted one of his informative and entertaining educational sessions. This time it was an analysis of the similarities and differences in the ritual structures of the four elemental advancements (Zelator 1=10, Theoricus 2=9, Practicus 3=8, Philosophus 4=7). Everyone in attendance (around 10 of us) enjoyed a bunch of “aha moments” about the consistent logic and flow of these ceremonies. Clearly an appropriate choice after the Philosophus ceremony, and preceding our new Neophyte initiation!
After a leisurely dinner break (where most seemed to visit the Taco Truck, and then return to the Temple to eat + hang out), we all set up for the Neophyte Hall. We would be initiating a new Neophyte, Sr. E (congratulations, Soror!) and we were honored, as well, with a guest from the pagan community. The Hall and the Initiation went quite smoothly, followed by wine and food afterwards in celebration.
And finally, our Founder and First Adept also announced our upcoming Equinox festivities, which should make next month’s blog post all the merrier, and lengthier!
-Fr. NNV