OSOGD Activities of June 2016
On June 18, 2016, the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn held its monthly soiree, featuring an Educational Session followed by the Hall of the Neophytes.
The 3pm Educational Session was conducted by our ever-resourceful Fr. HOSV, this time speaking on the Tattwas as used by the Golden Dawn for meditation. From all reports it was a well-attended + informative affair.
The 7:30pm Hall was also quite successful, we had a new initiate: Soror EIN. Congrats, Soror! And we also had 2 guests, both of whom we enjoyed meeting and who appear to be interested in joining the Order.
Then yesterday evening, June 25th, Frater QES hosted a farewell party for Fr. IP + his wife at Arkadia. It was fun + well attended, with lots of excellent food + drink. And hats off to our Grill Master, Sr. LAAR, for the great BBQ action!