OSOGD Doings May 2016
The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn once again convened – on May 21, 2016 – for its monthly Education Session and Neophyte Hall.
“Meditation” was the topic of the 3pm Education Session. Specifically, the OSOGD Grade Meditations. The presentation was delivered by Frater QES, and was fun, informative, and well-attended, by all reports. Thank you, Frater QES.
And then, the Neophyte Hall kicked off just a few minutes later than usual, but otherwise went very smoothly. We did a Sandalphon working, and everyone had a memorable experience. We also had the honor + privilege of having a guest that evening, whom we all enjoyed meeting, and who apparently enjoyed the Hall as he’s officially applied for initiation.
Afterwards was our usual round of food, beverage, and conversation, during which Frater IP announced that he + his wife would be moving to Portland in July. We are happy for both of them, but they will also be missed.
Frater NNV