OSOGD – February 2016 activities
The Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn had an action-packed February, from which I’ve just now recovered enough to write this blog entry.
Pantheacon happened from 2/12 – 2/15. Another great edition of this preeminent pagan festival, filled with inspiring workshops, powerful rituals, and a full-spectrum of socializing, from mild to wild. A good many of us attended, and the OSOGD Hospitality Suite was as busy as, if not busier than, ever. Soror EUOM took charge of food + drink, while Sr. A handled the suite programming – a huge thanks to both Sorors, and everybody else who helped out with making our suite a success! We hosted a few outside presentations, in addition to various members providing I Ching readings (Fr. MSS), Theoricus Poker (Fr. IP), a workshop on our Buddhist practices (Fr. HOSV), + more which I’ve undoubtedly missed here (actually, everything is listed in the post preceding this one…). Lots of great conversations were had, + connections made, over wine + other consumables. The nights of the Green Fairy Party were crazed as usual, + our suite provided a highly social but more focused “overflow area”, in addition to staying open later than the wild fairies themselves!
Our ritual for Selene was very successful (lots of great feedback from audience members), well-attended, and we all felt her lunar energies filling the room. Thanks again to everyone who participated in + helped to organize the ritual, especially Frater HOSV + Soror Audax in the leading roles.
Fr. QES was definitely missed, but we also were proud that he was receiving his PhD across the pond, while we were enjoying the pagan lifestyle in San Jose. Congratz again, Frater QES!
And then, because too much is never enough, just 5 days later, on 2/20, it was time for our monthly shindig, this time a trifecta: an Advancement, an Education Session, and the Hall of the Neophytes.
We advanced Soror IP to Zelator in a ceremony well-performed by both the Order, and our new Zelator. Congratz, Soror IP!
Our Education Session was a debriefing – led by Fr. HOSV – of our Pantheacon ritual. We all brainstormed what worked, what didn’t (very little of that actually), and we came up with some good ideas for next year.
Finally, the Neophyte Hall itself went off without a hitch, and instead of an initiation, we performed an involved + enlightening “farewell” ritual to our Rite of Selene. Some members once again experienced the mystical presence of Luna’s energies, and everyone was moved in some significant way.
And now, on to our equinoctial changing of the guard in March!
Your GD reporter,