Our San Francisco Ghost Hunt!
And a week later, on Saturday 9/26/15, some members of the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn gathered for Jim Fassbinder’s “San Francisco Ghost Hunt”. Mr. Fassbinder is a regular(?) on the Travel Channel’s show “Haunted Hotels”, and he’s run the Ghost Hunt for the last 17 years. He was full of highly detailed stories about various ghosts in the area of Lower Pacific Heights where we were walking. The tour started at the Queen Anne Hotel, which has been notoriously haunted for the last century, or so. Perhaps the most startling phenomena we encountered was a “haunted key” turning on the palm of Sr. TS’s hand, and thus apparently without any trickery (this happened while we were paused in front of one of the haunted houses, from which our host seems to have procured a key to the door of the woman who was murdered…).
Anyway, lots of fun, + on a spectacular full moon night!
Special thanks to Fr. IP for arranging this event (as well as the dinner which preceded it, at a nearby sushi place)!