From the Poimandres
as translated by John Everard, 1650
My Thoughts being once seriously busied about the things that are, and my Understanding lifted up, all my bodily Senses being exceedingly holden back, as it is with them that are very heavy of sleep, by reason either of fulness of meat, or of bodily labour.
Me thought I saw one of an exceeding great stature, and an infinite greatness call me by my name, and say unto me, “What wouldest thou Hear and See? or what wouldest thou Understand, to Learn, and Know!”
Then said I, ” Who art Thou?”
“I am,” quoth he, “Poemander, the mind of the Great Lord, the most Mighty and absolute Emperor: I know what thou wouldest have, and I am always present with thee.”
Then said I, “I would Learn the Things that art, and Understand the Nature of them and know God.” “How?” said he. I answered, “That I would gladly hear.”
Then he, “Have me again in thy mind, and whatsoever thou wouldst learn, I will teach thee.”